
Ambulance Districts

Summary of House Bill 4179 (Public Act 103-134):

House Bill 4179, enacted in 2023, allows for the creation and funding of Emergency Services Districts in Illinois. These districts can levy property taxes, up to 0.40% in some counties, to support local emergency medical services, including ambulance services. The bill outlines the process for establishing such districts through a public referendum, giving local residents the power to vote on creating and funding these essential services. This funding mechanism ensures that ambulance and emergency services remain adequately supported, especially in underserved and rural areas.

Why This Bill is Important:

House Bill 4179 is crucial because it provides a sustainable funding model for emergency services like ambulances, which are critical in saving lives. By allowing local governments to establish Emergency Services Districts with voter approval, communities can ensure they have the necessary financial resources to maintain and improve EMS capabilities. This law is particularly important for rural and underserved regions, where emergency medical services often struggle with limited funding. With the passage of this bill, Illinois residents can directly contribute to the safety and well-being of their community by supporting the creation of well-funded, reliable EMS systems. This not only enhances response times but also ensures that essential, life-saving equipment and services are available when needed most.

For more details and to view the entire bill see the full bill below or click here:

 HB4179 103RD GENERAL ASSEMBLY (ilga.gov) 

For more information on the funding crisis in EMS, please consider watching this documentary linked below, Honorable but Broken: EMS in Crisis.

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